I’m happy to present a guest blog by Steve Stockstill. Steve was a core developer of Time Matters programs for 8 years, and had risen to the position of Director of Software Engineering for the Time Matters business unit before he left in August 2007. Steve’s company, Data Equity, has offered a “mobility” application for Time Matters, “MobileTM,” for several years. Steve recently joined the web-based practice management program Advologix as Chief Technology Officer.
Time Matters Mobility, Too Little Too Late
by Steve Stockstill
I recently sat through the Time Matters V11 preview webinar which focus primarily on a new mobile application for Time Matters. I’ll get straight to the point; this product should not be released by a software company hoping to be taken serious about their product design competency. Lexis is continuing to prove their inability to innovate within the Practice Management software market.
While the rest of the industry has been mobilizing, Time Matters has let their mobile functionality become obsolete. If you haven’t bought a new phone in the last three years you’re OK; Time Matters will still sync via cable to your older phone (Palm, Blackberry or Windows OS). Version 11’s new “mobility” features are woefully inadequate for the vast majority of Smartphone carrying professionals.
Woefully inadequate:
1) No Calendaring - how can a mobile application not have calendaring? OK, so they say they will release it in a service release, next Christmas? Nice planning.
2) Of the 18+ record types in Time Matters, only 3 are supported; Contacts, Matters & Billings.
3) Boasts of creating billing records – Really?
a. Someone at the office has to edit the billing to complete the data entry.
b. What if you make a mistake? You cannot edit or delete the entry on the Smartphone.
c. Only supports simple (qty * rate) billing.
4) Data Lists and Forms are hard coded with no customizations. They hope you like what they chose for you.
5) All connections pass through the Time Matters centralized “Kill Switch”. Prior to version 11 when you purchased Time Matters you own a perpetual license when your AMP expires. Not so for this new addition. The “Kill Switch” is designed to cut you off when your amp expires and you continue to use Time Matters.
What could have been:
Unfortunately the Lexis Nexis (Practice Management) business model does not support integration partners. A policy in deep contrast to most software business models, especially in the era of open design and software services. I should know, I have been working for three years to show them how effective and synergistic a customer focused partnership could be. As many know my firm, Data Equity develops mobility products for Time Matters. Oddly enough, we never received a courtesy notification that mobility was being added to Time Matters; so much for good will. The real losers here are the customers and Reid Elsevier shareholders. Companies like Data Equity will simply choose to partner with companies focused on customer satisfaction. Likewise many customers and industry professionals are fleeing Time Matters for products like Practice Master and AdvologixPM.
Having previously sunset very core functionality in the Time Matters product family, Billing Matters and Time Matters World (browser) Edition, it appears the core product is being set to pasture. Version 10 included very little new functionality and version 11 is nothing more than a simple service release. Prior to the Lexis Nexis buyout, Time Matters customers were accustomed to more functionality in a free service release.
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