Worldox Cloud is a SaaS (Software as a Service) offering from Worldox. Your documents are stored on Worldox-managed servers, thus saving part of your IT bill. Worldox Cloud offers free implementation of Worldox Web. Many firms go with Cloud for the simplicity, reduction in IT, and better security. Below are some of the main advantages and disadvantages to Worldox Cloud.
Advantages to Cloud
• Access from anywhere (laptop or pure browser)
• Access using iPad/Mac via Worldox Web
• Virtually identical interface and functionality as traditional Worldox
• In almost all cases, better security than on-prem
• Saves on in-house servers and IT (but see below on net expenses)
Disadvantages to Cloud
• Single solution. Does not change anything about how the firm accesses other programs (time/billing, etc.).
• Integration with Office, Acrobat, etc. will be full-featured; integration with other programs the firm uses may not be as robust.
• Will always be less responsive than on-prem.
• Even accounting for savings on servers/IT, will be significantly more expensive than on-prem. IT does not go away entirely, still needed for other programs (time/billing etc.).
• Dependent on having a robust internet connection.
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