Collaboration is a hot item at present. But this is not a one size fits all.
The traditional “collaboration” meant emailing someone a document, having them mark it up and emailing it back. While this may still even be the dominant form of collaboration, email has been largely surplanted by the process of uploading one or more documents to a secure repository (Box, OneDrive, ShareFile, DropBox, etc.). Documents are edited in the repository (or, more often, downloaded, edited and re-uploaded), and the original owner downloads them back to the original source.
Worldox provides this sort of collaboration by integrating directly with various programs, such as those listed above. Thus, when you select “file | upload,” documents are uploaded directly from Worldox to the repository, then downloaded back to Worldox and saved as versions of the original document.
Generally, however, this is meant for a relatively small number of documents. For large numbers of documents (several thousand or more), the most efficient thing is to export documents from Worldox first. This lets you define a structure (client/matter/doctype) before uploading the documents to your desired repository. It is fairly easy to create an export structure in Worldox (but better let your consultant do it!). You can define the structure you need: folders by client, matter, doctype if needed. You can also export the long file name so that documents don’t just appear as “00012345.docx.”
More and more, however, collaboration is taken to refer to two (or more) people actually editing the document simultaneously, something that is not possible in Windows or Worldox. The best way to accomplish this using Worldox is to set up the Microsoft Teams integration. This lets you export a document to Teams; jointly edit it using the Teams functionality, and then import it back to Worldox as a version of the original document (or just overwrite the original if you prefer). This has the advantage of accurately tracking the changes to the document created by the editing team.
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