I recently discovered a nifty little file transfer utility called YouSendIt. This is a subsitute for an FTP site in that it lets up upload a file, then notify someone via email that the file has been uploaded. They are provided with a link that lets them download the file.
The major advantage of this is that it avoids having to actually attach the file via email.
The free version lets you send a file up to 100 MB, with monthly download capability of 1GB and 100 downloads per file. So if you need to distribute a file to multiple people, you only have to upload it once, significantly relieving the pressure on your email system. The “Pro” version, at $9.99 a month, lets you send files of up to 2GB, a monthly download limit of 40GB and up to 500 downloads per file. It will put an icon into Outlook that asks you if you want to use YouSendIt when you attach a file to Outlook.
So if you regularly need to distribute files, this can be a convenient way to send files to multiple people and to provide an alternative to an ftp site.
Worth thinking about.
http://b2bfiles.net also offers such a service.
There free lite account let's you send 2GB files free of charge. We use it over here sometimes at the office.
Posted by: Patrick | June 12, 2011 at 11:50 AM